The kids first trip on an airplane went better than expected. This was Ida's first of many viewings of "Bella Bella" (Cinderella). And we even made the Tampa news. I can't figure out how to get the video here, but click this link and click play on the story to the right ("New rules in place at nation's airports"):
The weather was rather cold outside but Ida didn't mind wearing her sunglasses in the house.

Did I mention it was cold while we were in Florida?

We spent the nicest day at Busch Gardens . . .

Ida checking out the hippo (who appeared to be napping)

We went to Orlando so Chad & Suzanne could run the Disney 1/2 Marathon. Weather conditions at the start of the race: 36 and snow/sleet; race conditions at the finish: 38 and rain. Thankfully we brought our tights, winter shirts, hats & mittens!

We didn't go into Magic Kingdom because it was so cold, but did find some fun at Downtown Disney shops.


Back in Sun City Center before heading home. Our last day in Florida--the pipes froze and the heat had been off for a number of hours (61 inside when we woke up). Despite the record low temperatures, a great time was had by all . . .