Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trip to Florida

The kids first trip on an airplane went better than expected. This was Ida's first of many viewings of "Bella Bella" (Cinderella). And we even made the Tampa news. I can't figure out how to get the video here, but click this link and click play on the story to the right ("New rules in place at nation's airports"):

The weather was rather cold outside but Ida didn't mind wearing her sunglasses in the house.

Did I mention it was cold while we were in Florida?

We spent the nicest day at Busch Gardens . . .

Ida checking out the hippo (who appeared to be napping)

We went to Orlando so Chad & Suzanne could run the Disney 1/2 Marathon. Weather conditions at the start of the race: 36 and snow/sleet; race conditions at the finish: 38 and rain. Thankfully we brought our tights, winter shirts, hats & mittens!

We didn't go into Magic Kingdom because it was so cold, but did find some fun at Downtown Disney shops.


Back in Sun City Center before heading home. Our last day in Florida--the pipes froze and the heat had been off for a number of hours (61 inside when we woke up). Despite the record low temperatures, a great time was had by all . . .

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Years & Chad's Birthday (early)

Henrik & Ida had a good time with Teagan & Paige for New Years.

We celebrated Chad's birthday early because we were going to be in Florida on his actual birthday.

"I'm all ready to go into the woods dad!"