Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Henrik seemed to get the idea of an egg hunt pretty quickly.

The kids all ready for church.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Swim lessons and running races

Ida was very excited about her first "running race". Unfortunately what was labelled as a "toddler trot" was really more like an Easter egg hunt. Apparently the timing of the race (the day before Easter) and the 2-3 inches of fresh, wet heavy snow made the difference as it usually is a toddler trot. Ida handled the change pretty well, until she was done and declared "I didn't get to run in the race." Poor kid--hopefully next time . . .

Suzanne and the kids after Suzanne's 10k.

Ida took 6 weeks of swimming lessons. For the most part it went really well. She even jumped into the pool and put her head under the water!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Travels south (south of the bridge)


Henrik's willing to hold it, probably thinking "how cool". Ida didn't get any closer than in this picture.

Ida got to spend some time at the playground with Henrik and cousin Brenden.


Henrik finally gave in to the long, exciting day. Sandy let him sleep on her arm until it was time for dinner.

Proud Grandpa (Baba) with all of his grandchildren.

We go Oasis! (a Caro landmark)

Henrik was a big help in Baba's bathroom.

We were not prepared for the temps to reach into the 80s. Thankfully Ida had a skirt and Henrik didn't mind showing off his diaper!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Still waiting for spring . . .

Say "cheese"!

Henrik's first attempt at finger painting. He really didn't get the "hands-on" aspect of finger painting and had to have a brush like sister uses.

Only three months late . . . the dress and sweater (knit by Suzanne) were supposed to be the Christmas outfits. The dress was done on time, but the sweater didn't get finished until sometime in March. Thankfully it still fit and as of late April it was still cold enough for both kids to wear their wool Christmas knits.

Every time someone picks up the phone Henrik insists on "talking" to whoever is on the other end of the line.

Introducing Princess Ida.