Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

A little fun in the snow before the big day . . . Henrik enjoyed sledding, but we need to get a bigger sled.

We've been explaining to Ida that we don't eat yellow snow because that is where the dog has peed, which resulted in her declaring "We don't eat pee!". Well, that's good news.

Christmas Eve before going to church. Suzanne wasn't able to finish Henrik's Christmas sweater in time, but she did finish knitting Ida's dress.

"Do I really have to wait for Henrik?" Yes, Ida is all about the opening of presents.

Henrik caught on quickly, but after 3 or 4 gifts a book caught his eye and he was done. After asking him if he wanted to open more and having him shake his head "NO" every time, we finally let Ida open the rest of his gifts. He didn't care and she was thrilled!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town

The kids had a little pre-Christmas gift opening with Grandma and Grandpa L.

We had a small party for a few kids 3 1/2 and under and their parents. We got all but two in this picture. We were shocked we were able to get them all to sit still long enough to get this good of a picture.

Henrik was not real excited about the surprise guest . . .

. . . but eventually warmed up enough to sit on Santa's lap.

Ida took to Santa a little quicker, although after weeks of telling us that she wanted a lollipop for Christmas, she could only reply "I don't know" when Santa asked her what she wanted.

One final picture before Santa left for his sleigh ride home to finish getting ready for Christmas eve.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter has arrived!

Ida received an art easel for her birthday from Grandpa Curry, which has provided many hours of enterainment and lots of beautiful artwork!

Thanksgiving brought our first real snow and of course we had to make a snowman. We have a lot more snow now, but between windchills and sick kids we haven't been able to get out and enjoy it as much as we'd like.

Ida was showing off her poncho that Grandma L knit for cousin Ella (and Ella handed down to Ida).

Apparently, this was the most comfortable spot in the house . . .

Decorating the tree was entertaining this year. Ida put ornaments on the tree and Henrik took them off. It took a bit longer than usual to decorate.

Ida insisted on reading her new book during our "monthly" power outage. Dad's headlamp came in very handy!

Poor Hagen . . . good thing he loves the kids!
We had an early Christmas celebration with Grandma and Grandpa L. Not surprising, the kids made quick work of opening all those gifts.