Ida received Kirsten, her almost twin, for her birthday.
Both Henrik and Ida are taking dance. Henrik has really taken to it and it seems to be the highlight of his week so far. Probably doesn't hurt that he gets to be the "prince" with his many "princesses."
Ida has become quite the dancer (for being 6). It's had to believe this is her 3rd year already!
Both kids earned parts in the Nutcracker. Henrik was a little Stahlbaum (one of Clara's little brothers) and Ida was a mouse. They worked hard to learn their parts and really enjoyed being up on stage. This is a picture of the two of them with Ida's friend Brianna.
Henrik and his friend Ellyanna (who is only 3 months older than Henrik).
All the mice with Clara and Ida's toysoldier in the background.
The mice with their rat queen after the final performance.