Some fun leading up to the big first birthday!

Henrik found a new use for the Exersaucer, but he couldn't figure out how to get out.

Cousin Ella and Ida the night before the party.

Ida, Henrik, Ella & EJ--it's hard getting four kids to sit still long enough to get one good picture.

Ida was very interested in opening the presents; thankfully Henrik showed absolutely no interest in opening any of the presents.

But he did enjoy checking out all the new stuff once Ida had everything unwrapped.

Henrik was also pretty excited about his new 4-wheeler from Bakka Curry!

Ida and Ella making the most of the noisemakers before cake and ice cream.

For the most part, Henrik was interested in the cake as long as someone else was feeding it to him.

But he did eventually dig in with his own hands. He didn't want to waste any of the yummy cake by making a mess with it--lucky us!
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