It was a hot few days at Canadian Lakes, which was great for spending time on the water. Henrik wasted no time in asking if he could drive the boat.
Not the best picture, but this is what Suzanne got when Ida caught her first fish with a net!
The kids could hardly wait to try out the inner tube so we rode it around and around and around the lake.
Ida had learned to ride a 2-wheeler just a few days before we went. Luckily, grandma was able to borrow a couple of bikes for the kids to ride. This was Henrik's first time on a bike with training wheels, as he has mostly been riding a tricycle at home.
This bike was a bit bigger than the one Ida was riding at home and the steering was quite a bit different, but it didn't take long for her to figure it out. She spent at least an hour every day riding around the .15 mile loop and was a pretty competent (for a 5 year old) rider by the time we left.
With a bit of encouragement, the kids discovered that they could float with the life jackets on and both were pretty proud of "swimming on their own"!
Hanging with some cousins before dinner (and showing off their new Build a Bears, Violet and Henry).
During dinner, Ida let out a holler and immediately started showing off that she pulled her second tooth. Cousin EJ just happened to be missing the same 2 teeth!
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